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Optum Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) is offered through Optum.

You and your immediate family (i.e. his/her household who lives in the same apartment as the partner do, which may include his/her spouse, children, parents, in-laws, and/or siblings under 18) are entitled to use our EAP counselling and work-life coaching services.

Optum offers varies types of services. You can talk with their counsellor while the conversations between you and the counsellor are strictly confidential. It will not be disclosed to any Starbucks partners without the recipient consent.

Through Optum Online Portal and mobile apps, you can participate in the mindfulness practice, self-improvement and self-engagement program, send ecard to brighten someone’s day, check his/her health index through health calculator and screeners, read a wealth of health and wellness articles and information.